Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Shower

It seems all of my ideas come to me in the shower.


I've created entire marketing plans, found the missing piece to solving multi-leveled problems for clients, written songs, realized elegant methods of navigating odd social situations and generally had a bunch 'o a-ha moments under the water and suds.

My in-laws started a travel blog recently. They are working hard on making it a complete resource for visitors to Santa Fe and a showcase of travel done "their way" across the country. I was thinking about this in the shower the other day and asking myself why is it that I don't have something like that going.

It all comes down to choices. I have too many of them and I really hate being put into any one box.

For instance, I own a PR/Marketing Communications firm. Hey, i could blog about that. Yeah, but I don't want to put my clients on display like that. And yeah, sure, I could pick apart press releases by other companies, point out mistakes PR firms or companies make in their campaigns, have a "when will Tiger speak" counter on the site, but that, to me, is something I would do on my company website. That's work. And more of it. I love PR/Marketing/Communications - and I'm good at what I do. I live it every day - adding a full blog about it would really let it take over my life.

I'm a writer. I could do a blog about writing - motivation, analysis of the current trends in publishing, review books, kvetch about my own struggles when writing...But really, does anyone want to read what an unpublished writer with two "closet novels" (one's that will stay in the closet until I die) to her name has to say on any of those topics? Especially not with real writers who have earned a seat at the table are covering those issues quite nicely.

I'm a mom who is over-extended in child-rearing, home-making, social duties...maybe I could... Nope. I can't even say "Mommyblogger" without throwing up a little in my mouth. Don't get me wrong, I love to read mom blogs. I get their humor, jokes, fascinating asides. And I think they have A LOT to add to the coversation of parenting because they tend to be truthful when too many people are not. But that's not all of who I am, either.

I'm into fitness and am actively working towards a "Total Body Transformation by 37". This self-created program includes working my way up to running at least 3 miles a day three days a week, cross-training twice a week, dropping 20-25 pounds and increasing my lean muscle - which is to say, relocating it. I'm changing eating habits, working out more regularly, counting calories and keeping a food journal. So far I've dropped 9 lbs (bringing weight to lose down to the number above) - so this would be a great blog to start, tracking my progress daily and being held accountable to the world. Only I'm sometimes too busy to keep my food journal up for a full week, can't remember when I did an ACTUAL workout (instead of those 10-minute running-up-and-down-the-stairs-mini-workouts I see in Shape) and really feel like I'm the last person to crow about fitness at this point in life.

I'm a pop-culture freak. I may not perscribe to them, but I follow trends in fashion and tech and society closely. I take an interest in the celebrity world - while not supporting paparazzi actions or libelous press. I enjoy music and love to see who is on the charts and why - and also point out who I think is worth listening to, and who is not. Why not talk about that stuff. Ehh, it's interesting in passing, and I'd love to make snarky and pointed commentary about events occasionally, but I think I'd tear off my eyelids if I had to watch every style change of Lady GaGa or track which celebrity has their own perfume or fashion line out. I love that stuff, but I'm no slave to fashion - and I only wear perfume if I'm going somewhere where people are present who are worthy of smelling Chanel.

So what do I do then? Tell me, Oh suds and hot water, what should I do to be more engaged in my writing, my world and enter the blogosphere?

Really? Is it that simple? Noooo, it couldn't be...

Just be me? Just write about what I'm thinking about, doing, wondering each day? Why that's... that's just...ABSOLUTELY EFFING BRILLIANT!!! And, after re-reading the posts on this blog, is exactly what I'm doing.

So that is it, that is this, this is me....

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