Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Awesome Idea for Daytimer

It's time to reorder Daytimer pages.  And please, just suspend the disbelief here and bear with the thought that yes, in this digital society, there are people who still lug those heavy, paper-filled little binders around, scrawling in ink - INK I say - daily appointments, meeting notes, to-do items, etc.  Have you done that? Good.

Now, back to my issue.

It's the time of year when I panic because I start making appointments for January and realize when I flip to the back of my Daytimer to record said appointment I find no new calendar pages.  AHHHH.  So I make a note (in my Daytimer, thank you very much) and then later that evening, hit up the Internet to order refills.

And then I remember why I haven't ordered new pages yet - they all suck!  Yes, I know, not pretty talk from a 36 year-old professional, but it's true.  There are only a handfull of page sets to select and they're boring or I've had them so many times I know everything they say EVERY DAY.  And while I am a Daytimer brand loyalist, I've stepped out on them a time or two - and you know what?  Covey, At-A-Glance, they all suck.  Seriously.  I know it's 2010 and with iPhones and Crackberries and iPads and whatnot people aren't creating a huge demand for these items anymore.  But those of us who still use those flexible "Today" markers are mired in a wasteland of Gardenpath, Nautical, Diabetes Tracking hell planner pages from the 1970's.

As an aside, I covet the iPad and hope to add one to my life within the new year.  And that may change the way I organize my world.  But for now, in my professional life (which requires a lot of note-taking, time-and-date tracking and WRITING), I need something handy in which I can do all of this and a Daytimer - planner, if you will - fits the bill.

Why doesn't someone create new planner pages that are fun, entertaining, easy to use (two-page pre day format, action list long and on the left side of the right page - appointments that run from 6 a to 10 p, little area to track calls to return and a full lined notes page on the left page) and updated a little?  I mean, printing has come so far these days, this would be a breeze. And could drive sales of certain products/services.  Want to know how?

I love, love, love Texas/Red Dirt Music.  How much fun would it be to have Daytimer pages featuring info on my favorite bands, current and from the past? Throw in Tabbed Month Dividers (2 pages) with photos of some awesome clubs and dance halls, pre-print brithdays,  pre-determined shows, album release dates by certain artists and viola!  Fan heaven and instant support for an entire music scene.  Southern Thread, Tito's Vodka, and other consumer brands beloved by artists and fans of the scene could put coupon codes on certain months to drive traffic to their sites and purchases for their's gold, gold I tell you!

Hell there's a Show called Keeping Up With the Kardashians - how hard would it be to turn that into a "Keeping Up With You" planner page set?  Advertisers who support the stars' endeavors could get placement on pages, they can promote show times and dates, their clothing stores and books and websites, etc.  They could even include a place for women to track trends they like, reminders to schedule beauty appointments (lazer hair removal anyone?), etc.

And what about the Demon Marketer himself, Mr. Gene Simmons.  KISS is an international brand and KISS fans are everywhere - and I would venture to guess equally split between the young and older demographics (or demon-graphics - get it?).  Put together a set of KISS planner pages - you could use old album covers as the tabbed monthly dividers, have a nugget of info on each page about the band or its members, have a "This day in KISS history" (or KISStory) item on each day - - - I guarantee they would be purchased as fast as they could be printed.

And the awesome thing is - these pages could be turned into apps for iPhones and  iPads sharing the same graphics and info - just digitally - to open up the market even futher.  Lord knows there is yet to be a top-notch planner app for Smartphones etc. created to date.

I've spouted off enough.  Since I guess I won't be ordering my Randy Rogers Band planner pages this year, I've got to go back to choosing between Maxine, Flavia or Golf Links...


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